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DEAD OR RAP!!! is a live rap battle on Sakura and Saki at the end of episode 2.​​​​​​


 [さくら] 全然ゾンビ隠す気ないやん!
             頭腐っとるんか バカゾンビィィィッ!
 [サキ] てめ上等だコラ。いい度胸だ。
 [さくら] ゾンビがバレたらわたしら終わり!
 [サキ] そんなんではいそうですかって なるか馬鹿
          ハンドル握って死んだアタシが ゾンビのアイドルだ?
          アホか! お前みたいにいいなりがいいなら
          アタシはあのまま 寝てた方がマシだ!
 [さくら] 私だってなんも思い出せない、
 [サキ] 思い出したら何か変わんのか?
 [さくら] まだ終わっちゃいねえだろ!
 [さくら] おいそこでつったてるてめえらもだYO!
 [さくら] じいちゃんばあちゃんてめえらもだYO!

[Sakura] Zenzen zonbi kakusuki naiyan!
               Aidoru kubi toren'yaro?
               Dokkara mite mo ningen dato?
               Doko ni kubi toreru ningen ga oru to?
               Atama kusattorun ka bakazonbyi~i~i~tsu!
 [Saki] te me jōtō da kora. ī dokyō da.
          maji de hōtō jinja made buttobasu!
 [Sakura] Zonbi ga baretara watashira owari!
               Itteru imi ga anta o wakari?
               Nonki na koto bakka itte bakkari no
               zonbi wa donki de atama pakkānda!
               Onaji koto bakka nando iwa serunda!
               Keisatsu ni datte jū utaretenda!
 [Saki] Son'na nde wa isō desu katte naruka baka
          handoru nigitte shinda atashi ga zonbi no aidoru da?
          Ahoka! Omae mitai ni īnari ga īnara
          atashi wa ano mama neteta kata ga mashida!
 [Sakura] Atashi datte nan mo omoi dasenai,
               kedo raibu de kanjita natsukashī kankaku.
               Īkochan demo īnari demonai, monku bakkari yori zenzen ī janai!
 [Saki] Omoi dashitara nanka kawan no ka?
          Nakama nya aenei
          Tamagotchi datte mō sodate ran nei!
          Atashira owattenda yo!
          Mō nani mo kawarya shinē yo!
 [Sakura] mada owaccha ineidaro!
               mushiro hajimatta bakka daro!
               maeni susumu shikanei! janakya ikiru shikabane!
               mada ugoku girigiri, kangaereru kagiri, nigezu ni yare yo!
               bukkonde koi yo tokkōtai-chō!
 [Sakura] Oi soko de tsuttateru temeira moda YO!
               Dekikkonai toka itten janē yo!
               Saikō no sainō motteru kuse shite
               nani mo shinēde akiramecha tada no haiboku.
               Dekinai riyū kangaen janē! Dekiru hōhō mitsukeyou ZE!
               Boroboro no zonbi ga honkideyan'nara,
               kokoro wa madamada kusarya shinē!
 [Sakura] Jīchan bāchan temeira moda YO!
               Bon'yari rōgo nante kangaen na!
               Engawa? Ippuku? Ochitsuiten na!
               Kōrei-ka? Sōdesu ka.
               Nara ima koso shirubā no iji miseru ban.
               Rōgai nante iwa senē YO!
               Shōgai gen'eki daio!

 You're not even trying to hide it!
 What kind of idol's head comes off?!
 How could we possibly be human?!
 What kind of human can do that?!
 Is your brain rotting too, you stupid zombie?!

 All right, bitch, you're on! You've got some guts, and now?
 I'm gonna kick your ass all the way to Hoto Shrine!
 If they find out we're zombies, we're extra dead!
 Are any of my words getting through your head?!
 If you can't take this for real, then you're the zombie
 Whose deal will be head trauma that don't heal!
 How many times before you regret it?!
 How many cops shoot us until you finally get it?!

 You think I'm just gonna roll over for you and agree?
 I died riding and now you want me to be an idol zombie?!
 If the other choice is acting like a suck-up snot
 you coulda left me in the ground, I'd rather rot!

 I can't remember who i was before this all went down
 But on the stage, i felt something click...
 I'm not goody-two shoes, and nobody's a clown.
 I'm just trying to do more than be a worthless brick!

 Who cares if you've got memories in your head?
 You won't see your friends
 And your Tamagotchi's long dead!
 We're done, got it?!
 Nothing's gonna change about that!

 Hell no, we're not done!
 We're just getting started!
 We've got to keep moving ahead! Or we'll just be the walking dead!
 Even if we have died, we only stop when we decide
 So stop running, and ride again!
 Kick some ass, captain!

 And that goes for the two of you standing there!
 Gonna act like losers when you're the celebrity pair?
 You've got all the talent in the world
 But the two of you girls are giving up without giving it a whirl!
 Quit coming up with excuses about why you can't win!
 If you got a little chance, try to do that then!
 Even a zombie can do it if she tries,
 And when you prove it, it shows dead souls can rise!

 Yo, that goes for all you old folks, too!
 Tell anyone who talks about golden years to go screw!
 Napping in the porch in the afternoon? Not you!
 They're worried about a low rate of birth?
 Show them all what silver's worth!
 If they wanna blame you for everything anyway
 Keep active and show you're here to stay!


How's anyone gonna believe we're idols if our heads pop off when we're mid-recital?
That's not a thing people can do when they're alive!
But I guess your brain must be rotting inside.
Pure stupidity from a dumbass zombie!


All right, bitch, it is on! Think you got rhymes?
I'll kick your ass all the way to Hoto Shrine!


Are you even listening? I couldn't be more succinct.
If they find out what we are, then we go extinct.
Don't you see they hate us? We're monsters to them!
And if you don't accept that, this second chance is gonna end.
The cops are trigger-happy, that's what happens when they're fearful.
And you're gonna get a bullet to the brain if you're not careful!


Bet you think you're so smart, but you ain't got no sense.
You think a badass bitch like me is gonna run when things start to get intense?!
I was in a biker gang, or did you forget that?
I don't care about being an idol, don't wanna be no stuck-up brat!


I can't remember anything about my life before
But when I step up on the stage, it's like I've found something to live for
You might think that I'm naïve or just gullible
But I'm just trying to do something in this world that's meaningful


I don't care about no memories before some swan song
Not like I can see my friends, my Tamagotchi's long-gone
You want meaning? Yeah, good luck with that, hun
Our lives are over, okay? We're done!


We're not done till I say we're done!
Our lives aren't over, we've just begun
I don't care if we're dead, doesn't mean we have to stop
We gotta keep moving, pushing forward till we drop
You think you're so tough 'cause of your biker gang?
Then quit tryin' to run away…!

And as for you two, Tweedle Fortune and Tweedle Fame
Trying to act all shy when you know you got game
Got the talent, the experience, you girls have it all
So, it's a spit in the face when you pretend to be small
Stop obsessing over why you can't win
Anything worth having is gonna take a risk
Even zombie girls can rock the mic if they try
So stop with the excuses, take control of your lives!


Hey, grandma and grandpa! I'm talking to you, too!
Don't let society try to put you in a coffin
Before you're dead, you got wisdom aplenty
Demand respect instead of sitting on a rocker
Remember, you're the OG shock collar
They wanna blame you for everything going wrong
But you're still here, heartbeat going strong!


No. Soundtrack Duration Audio
3 DEAD or RAP 2:25







Franchouchou フランシュシュ - DEAD or RAP!!! (Sakura & Saki) - Zombie Land Saga -LYRICS- Kan-Rom-Eng


Zombieland Saga rap battle (dub)

